essex county freeholders honor christian styskal for achieving the rank of eagle scout

Essex County Freeholder Leonard M. Luciano (left) presents the Board’s commendation to Eagle Scout Christian Styskal (right). PHOTO BY GLEN FRIESON

(Newark, NJ) – During a special presentation held at the Hall of Records in Newark, New Jersey, on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, District 4 Freeholder Leonard M. Luciano honored Christian P. Styskal of Roseland, New Jersey, for achieving the Rank of Eagle Scout. Eagle Scout is the highest distinction awarded by the Boy Scouts of America and Christian was bestowed this honor by Boy Scout Troop #3 of Caldwell, New Jersey.

Freeholder Luciano presented the Board’s Commendation to Christian for his unwavering dedication of service to the community and to his troop. He also thanked Boys Scouts of America, noting them as a wonderful service organization that daily adds to the character and quality of our youth by offering many opportunities to contribute to society through volunteerism.

Christian is a senior at West Essex Regional High School where he plays football and basketball.  He is active with the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church where he has served as an altar boy since he was in the fourth grade. He began his scouting career in the second grade while attending the Lester C. Noecker Grammar School in Roseland, New Jersey, where he became a Cub Scout with Roseland Pack 801 achieving Cub Scout’s Highest Award, The Arrow of Light.

On February 23, 2013, Christian became a Boy Scout and joined Caldwell Troop 3 where he quickly rose through the ranks, earning the rank of Life Scout on August 8, 2015.  During his time as a scout, he earned several leadership positions serving as an Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, and Senior Assistant Patrol Leader. He ultimately achieved several accolades, including: the Boy Scouts Honor Society “The Order of the Arrow,” where he earned the Ordeal award. Additionally, he has received 23 merit badges, including Swimming, Citizenship to the Community, Nation and World, Cooking, Communication, Emergency Preparedness, and Family Life, to name a few.

His Eagle Scout project consisted of constructing and replacing an aging American Flag Retirement box at the American Legion Hall in Caldwell, New Jersey.  Having a thirst for history and speaking with the Post Commander, Christian came up with the idea and developed, organized, and supervised the construction to replace the American Legion’s aging drop box.

In accepting the Commendation, Christian thanked Freeholder Luciano and the entire Freeholder Board for the recognition. He thanked his parents, who attended the presentation, for their support. He will attend the University of New Haven in West Haven, Connecticut, where he plans to study Criminal Justice with a concentration in Investigative Services in the fall.

For Additional Information:

Kathy R. Brown, Chief of Administrative Services
Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
465 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.,
Newark, New Jersey, 07102

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Board of County Commissioners,
County of Essex
465 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Room 558 Hall of Records,
Newark, New Jersey 07102