commissioner brendan w. gill issues statement in support of governor murphys announcement to expand eligibility for covid-19 vaccination program

Essex County Commissioner At-Large – Brendan W. Gill

I support Governor Murphy’s recent announcement expanding the list of groups eligible to receive vaccinations through the New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccination Program. I believe this expansion is a significant step in the right direction because it includes educators and school staff from pre-k through 12th grade settings, childcare workers, and transportation workers, among others. I support and applaud this decision because it brings us another step closer to protecting one of our most vulnerable groups, our children. Furthermore, it brings us closer to a tangible way of protecting our teachers and our students; while ultimately reaching our goal of safely reopening our schools.

Thankfully, the new group will be eligible to begin receiving the vaccination as early as, Monday, March 15th. We appreciate the governor and applaud him for recognizing the need to keep those safe who are working daily in face-to-face vital roles. We anticipate more groups to be added to the eligibility list as the vaccination supply becomes more readily available.

I encourage each of us to assume the responsible position of protecting ourselves, our families, and ultimately our community by receiving the vaccination. As we continue to move forward, we will meet the Department of Health’s goal of vaccinating 70% of the eligible adult population. Therefore, as capacity limits open up, and we begin to return to some of our normal activities, let us remain vigilant and mindful to maintain safety protocols. It will take all of these measures, along with the vaccination, to stop the deadly spread and eventually eradicate this virus.


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Board of County Commissioners,
County of Essex
465 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Room 558 Hall of Records,
Newark, New Jersey 07102